There could hardly be a more topical subject in contemporary architecture than extensions and renovations For reasons of cost, historic preservation and taste, more and more clients have opted for adaptive reапъэuse of old buildings Rather than trying to give a veneer of history to new buildings, as the short-lived Postmodern movement attempted to do, owners, developers and architects have found that giving new life to old stones and wood is a worthy challenge The architect ббйлгis all the more sought after when complex additions or refits are involved Making spaces work together, and making old spaces seem new are tasks that require a high degree of specialisation and intelligent design One of the trends today is towards extensions that are modern but not aggressively different from their "parent" structures The examples selected here vary intentionally, from the modest to the spectacular, from the purely contextual to the wilfully contradictбнлюоory It would be difficult to summarise the results of a subjective survey of 100 worldwide renovations and extensions, but it does appear that modernity must today be defined differently from the way it was More precisely, there is a taste for making the past new, for celebrating the juncture between the old and the modern, yesterday and today Издание на английском языке Формат: 28,5 см х 29 см Иллюстрации Автор Филипп Джодидио Philip Jodidio.